Prof. Dr. Cristina Rosell

Area V. Food Product Development and Sensory Evaluation.


Dr. Cristina Rosell - Speaker Latin Food 2022, Puebla, México - AMECA, AC

University of Manitoba, Canada.

Cristina Rosell is Professor and Head of the Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences, she has a PhD and BSc in Pharmacy from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Her research focuses on design and development of innovative foods based on grains, she has a h-index of 83 and more than 20910 citations. Investigations have been conducted in the following areas:

  • Quality assessment of cereals and other grains
  • Starch physical properties in foods
  • Enzymatic treatments in food innovation
  • Doughs and bakery products
  • Properties of grains based foods

Porfessor Cristina Rosell current research projects are:

  • Optimization of bakery processes by a computational tool together with consumer feedback to minimize ecological footprint and food waste
  • Tracing rice and valorizing side streams along Mediterranean blockchain
  • Integrating phlorotannins and starch into healthy gluten free food with potential in the management of glycemic response