JBCT No. 29 / Latin Food 2022

Journal of Bioprocess and Chemical Technology

Abstracts of LATIN FOOD 2022

Published at JBCT No. 29 Special Edition Latin Food 2022 Vol. 1 (ISSN: 2683-3271)  

Guest Editors:

Dr. Celeste C. Ibarra-Herrera
Dr. Rosa María Rodríguez Jasso
Dr. Gilber Vela Gutiérrez
Dr. Armando Robledo Olivo
Dr. Esther Pérez Carrillo
Dr. César Ozuna López
Dr. Mónica Lizeth Chávez González
Dr. Víctor Daniel Boone Villa
Miguel Wences Carretero
Lya Chiñas Serrano
Emilio López Millán
Marijose Mesta Hernández
Andrea Toral Rojas
Mario Peña Alvarado
Gustavo Eduardo Hernández Pardo

The Mexican Association of Food Science (AMECA) with Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Universidad de Guanajuato and Benémerita Universidad Autonóma de Puebla, have sum efforts to organize Latin Food 2022.

After two years of quarantine with unprecedented changes in our recent history due to COVID-19 pandemic and without being able to have the opportunity to disseminate face to face novel and important advances in food science and technology, Latin Food 2022 offers a great space for the exchange of scientific and technological ideas and experiences from November 16 to 18. During this international conference, we have prepared a complete and ambitious program, we will enjoy the participation of prominent international and Mexican scientists eight plenary and 12 key-notes conferences, one distinguished Panel Discussion with the title of “Feeding the Future: The Globe Impact Over the Future of Food” and two symposia with themes in vogue: “Construyendo sociedades del conocimiento: ¿por qué comunicar ciencia? and “Bioeconomía circular en sistemas alimentarios sostenibles: cero desperdicios y hambre cero”. The conference also allows the presentation of around 450 contributions by colleagues from Latin and North America, as well as EuropeThis year has presented formidable challenges, and it was not easy to make the decision to switch from virtual format to the face-to face form. The challenge was accepted, and we received an enthusiastic response from the community of food scientists and technologists. Thanks to this, today, we can welcome you to Latin Food 2022. Let’s enjoy this opportunity to disseminate and share food science, technology and innovation face to face with colleagues and friends.